本プログラムで養成する人材像は、専門を持ちつつもこだわらない柔軟性を持ち、科学や技術マネジメントと組織マネジメントの両方に長けた、持続可能な未来社会の協創を主導する「未来社会協創人材」です。長期ビジョンを描いて目標を立てることができ、文理を問わず多様な分野の叡智を結集させて協創によりイノベーションを実践する主体となる人材を育成します。特に対象となる分野として、SDGsの中でも波及効果が大きく、日本の得意分野であり、将来の基幹産業として期待されるSDG 6「水と衛生」、SDG 7「エネルギー」、SDG 11「都市」、そしてSDG 9「産業とインフラと技術革新」の4分野を本プログラムの軸としたプログラムとします。
本プログラムは、2018年度に開始した「未来社会空間の創生」国際卓越大学院(WINGS iFS)を引き継ぎ、全学へ展開したものです。
Our vision for the future is a sustainable society in which everyone is freed from the fear of poverty, and having dignified and healthy life equally enjoyable, with human rights respected and equal. Adopted in September 2015 UN 2030, the Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), with the aim of achieving a better future, has 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 targets necessary to achieve these goals. The SDGs take into consideration not only developing countries but also developed countries, aiming a sustainable natural resources consumption and production that secures needs of the future generations while satisfying needs of the current generation, urgent measures against climate change, and pursuit of peace. It is an international aspiration that has been agreed among UN member states for ultimate goal of a sustainable society where economic development, social justice and environmental protection are harmonized through global partnerships based on the spirit of global solidarity.
We set goals based on clear vision as well as traditional (technology push) type innovation along with fundamental research of new technology, applied research, development, demonstration and commercialization, and develop technology as needed. As new innovation efforts are needed, the demand-pull model of innovation which fulfills the needs of society is also being implemented. Nowadays that there are numerous debates on various issues causing increasing uncertainty related to the way how to solve them thus we should have the ability to understand these issues accurately and try to solve these issues which are closely related to society. For that purpose employing different means such the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Robotics and the development of various sciences and technologies, such as the rapid development and universalization of artificial intelligence are crucial, next to the reform of socio-economic systems, legal system regulation, and the search for products and services harmonized with people's lives. We need human resources that can promote discussions on the realization of a future society in which economic development, social justice, and environmental conservation are in harmony, by connecting experts in diverse fields and persons from industry, government, academia and government.
In this program, we describe the ideal future, sometimes we lead ourselves to achieve it, and sometimes we draw on the strengths of our outstanding leaders in each field, seeking a co-creation with stakeholders to realize innovation, train highly knowledgeable professional personnel who can realize implementation to the society. Going beyond "problem-solving human resources" who solve the problems that have emerged, logically draw a future society logically, foster "co-designing future society human resources” who will lead the realization of innovation by connecting related people. The purpose of this program is to foster a co-designing future society human resources able to drive a co-creation with stakeholder through completing this program, who will participate in the society as member of research institutes members, public organizations inside and outside the country, companies, civil organizations, and as entrepreneurs. We aim for providing these future leaders an experience and refine their qualities, and innovative mindset.
Through these activities, we will develop human resources capable of both developing their own expertise knowledge and abilities to a higher level beyond their field of discipline. Who are leaders that excels in both science and technology management and organizational management in co-creation of the sustainable future society.
The vision of human resources we train in this program has a specialized but open for flexibility beyond their field, and is a leader in co-creation of a sustainable future society that excels in both science and technology management and organizational management. We want to train human resources who can draw a long-term vision and set goals, bring together the knowledge of diverse fields of science or humanities, and innovation. In particular, the program will be focused on four areas, namely SDG 6 “Clean water and sanitation”, SDG 7 “Affordable and clean energy”, SDG 11 “Sustainable cities and communities”, and SDG 9 "Industry, innovation and infrastructure " which are expected to be major fields in the future, and are the most important fields in Japan, with a large ripple effect among SDGs.
This program is a developed for the whole university, succeeding the " World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program innovations for Future Society (WINGS iFS)", which was launched in 2018.
加藤 泰浩 |
工学系研究科 研究科長 システム創成学専攻 教授 |
Yasuhiro KATO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation, Professor |
沖 大幹 |
工学系研究科 社会基盤学専攻 教授 |
Taikan OKI |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor |
堀江 宗正 |
人文社会系研究科 教授 |
Norichika HORIE |
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Professor |
小島 慎司 |
法学政治学研究科 法曹養成専攻 准教授 |
Shinji KOJIMA |
Graduate School for Law and Politics, AssociateProfessor |
桑野 玲子 |
工学系研究科 社会基盤学専攻 教授 |
Reiko KUWANO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor |
羽藤 英二 |
工学系研究科 社会基盤学専攻 教授 |
Eiji HATO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor |
布施 孝志 |
工学系研究科 社会基盤学専攻 教授 |
Takashi FUSE |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Professor |
赤司 泰義 |
工学系研究科 建築学専攻 教授 |
Yasunori AKASHI |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Professor |
田尻 清太郎 |
工学系研究科 建築学専攻 准教授 |
Seitaro TAJIRI |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Associate Professor |
藤田 香織 |
工学系研究科 建築学専攻 教授 |
Kaori FUJITA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Professor |
丸山 一平 |
工学系研究科 建築学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Professor |
浅見 泰司 |
工学系研究科 都市工学専攻 教授 |
Yasushi ASAMI |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering, Professor |
片山 浩之 |
工学系研究科 都市工学専攻 教授 |
Hiroyuki KATAYAMA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering, Professor |
中谷 隼 |
工学系研究科 都市工学専攻 講師 |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering, Lecturer |
高見 淳史 |
工学系研究科 都市工学専攻 准教授 |
Kiyoshi TAKAMI |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering, Associate Professor |
鈴木 雄二 |
工学系研究科 機械工学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor |
高木 周 |
工学系研究科 機械工学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor |
丸山 茂夫 |
工学系研究科 機械工学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor |
川野 昌平 |
工学系研究科 機械工学専攻 特任教授 |
Shohei KAWANO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Project Professor |
三好 智也 |
工学系研究科 機械工学専攻 特任助教 |
Tomoya MIYOSHI |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Project Assistant Professor |
梅田 靖 |
人工物工学研究センター 工学系研究科精密工学専攻 教授 |
Yasushi UMEDA |
Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, School of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Precision Engineering, Professor |
和泉 潔 |
工学系研究科 システム創成学専攻 教授 |
Kiyoshi IZUMI |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation, Professor |
中尾 彰宏 |
工学系研究科 システム創成学専攻 教授 |
Akihiro NAKAO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation, Professor |
新澤 裕子 |
東京大学リサーチ・アドミニストレーター推進室 URA |
The University of Tokyo, Office for Advancement of Research Administrators, University Research Administrator |
小紫 公也 |
工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor |
土屋 武司 |
工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻 教授 |
Takeshi TSUCHIYA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor |
中須賀 真一 |
工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻 教授 |
Shinichi NAKASUKA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor |
杉山 正和 |
工学系研究科 電気系工学専攻 教授 |
Masakazu SUGIYAMA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Professor |
熊田 亜紀子 |
工学系研究科 電気系工学専攻 教授 |
Akiko KUMADA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Professor |
森田 一樹 |
工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻 教授 |
Kazuki MORITA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering, Professor |
松浦 宏行 |
工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻 准教授 |
Hiroyuki MATSUURA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering, Associate Professor |
塚本 孝政 |
工学系研究科 応用化学専攻 講師 |
Takamasa TSUKAMOTO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, Lecturer |
大久保 達也 |
工学系研究科 化学システム工学専攻 教授 |
Tatsuya OKUBO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Chemical System Engineering, Professor |
石川 顕一 |
工学系研究科 原子力国際専攻 教授 |
Kenichi ISHIKAWA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, Professor |
藤井 康正 |
工学系研究科 原子力国際専攻 教授 |
Yasumasa FUJII |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, Professor |
廣瀬 明 |
工学系研究科 バイオエンジニアリング専攻 /電気系工学専攻 教授 |
Akira HIROSE |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering / Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Professor |
坂田 一郎 |
工学系研究科 技術経営戦略学専攻 教授 |
Ichiro SAKATA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Technology Management for Innovation, Professor |
杉田 直彦 |
工学系研究科 附属人工物工学研究センター 教授 |
Naohiko SUGITA |
Graduate School of Engineering, The Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, Professor |
横野 泰之 |
工学系研究科 国際工学教育推進機構 特任研究員 |
Yasuyuki YOKONO |
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Technology Management for Innovation, Project Researcher |
高橋 嘉夫 |
理学系研究科 地球惑星科学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Sciene, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Professor |
小林 修 |
理学系研究科 化学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Science, Department of Chemistry, Professor |
堤 伸浩 |
農学生命科学研究科研究科長 生産・環境生物学専攻 教授 |
Nobuhiro TSUTSUMI |
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biology, Professor |
芳賀 猛 |
農学生命科学研究科副研究科長 獣医学専攻 教授 |
Takeshi HAGA |
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Department of Veterinary Science, Professor |
肥後 雅博 |
経済学研究科 教授 |
Masahiro HIGO |
Graduate School of Economics, Professor |
舘 知宏 |
総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻 教授 |
Tomohiro TACHI |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Professor |
大泉 匡史 |
総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻 准教授 |
Masafumi OIZUMI |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Associate Professor |
北村 友人 |
教育学研究科 学校教育高度化専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Education, Department of Advanced Research in Education, Professor |
小野 靖 |
新領域創成科学研究科 先端エネルギー工学専攻 教授 |
Yasushi ONO |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Advanced Energy, Professor |
尾田 正二 |
新領域創成科学研究科 先端生命科学専攻 准教授 |
Shoji ODA |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Integrated Biosciences, Associate Professor |
木立 尚孝 |
新領域創成科学研究科 メディカル情報生命専攻 准教授 |
Hisanori KIRYU |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences, Associate Professor |
木村 伸吾 |
大気海洋研究所 教授 |
Shingo KIMURA |
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Professor |
寺田 徹 |
新領域創成科学研究科 自然環境学専攻 講師 |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Lecturer |
今野 義浩 |
新領域創成科学研究科 海洋技術環境学専攻 准教授 |
Yoshihiro KONNO |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Ocean Technology, Policy and Environment, Associate Professor |
徳永 朋祥 |
新領域創成科学研究科 環境システム学専攻 教授 |
Tomochika TOKUNAGA |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Environment Systems, Professor |
陳 昱 |
新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, Professor |
岡部 明子 |
新領域創成科学研究科 社会文化環境学専攻 教授 |
Akiko OKABE |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Professor |
佐々木 淳 |
新領域創成科学研究科 社会文化環境学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Professor |
福永 真弓 |
新領域創成科学研究科 社会文化環境学専攻 准教授 |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Associate Professor |
本田 利器 |
新領域創成科学研究科 国際協力学専攻 教授 |
Riki HONDA |
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of International Studies, Professor |
岩田 覚 |
情報理工学系研究科 数理情報学専攻 教授 |
Satoru Iwata |
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Professor |
暦本 純一 |
情報学環 学際情報学府学際情報学専攻 教授 |
Junichi REKIMOTO |
Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, Professor |
青井 千由紀 |
公共政策学連携研究部 国際公共政策学専攻 教授 |
Chiyuki AOI |
Graduate School of Public Policy, International Public Policy Program, Professor |
HENG Yee Kuang |
公共政策学連携研究部 国際公共政策学専攻 教授 |
HENG Yee Kuang |
Graduate School of Public Policy, International Public Policy Program, Professor |
城山 英明 |
公共政策学連携研究部 公共政策学専攻 教授 |
Graduate School of Public Policy, Public Policy Program, Professor |
小泉 秀樹 |
先端科学技術研究センター 教授 |
Hideki KOIZUMI |
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Professor |
菊池 康紀 |
未来ビジョン研究センター 准教授 |
Yasunori KIKUCHI |
Institute for Future Initiatives, Associate Professor |
杉山 昌広 |
未来ビジョン研究センター 准教授 |
Masahiro SUGIYAMA |
Institute for Future Initiatives, Associate Professor |
福士 謙介 |
未来ビジョン研究センター 教授 |
Kensuke FUKUSHI |
Institute for Future Initiatives, Professor |
江守 正多 |
未来ビジョン研究センター 教授 |
Seita EMORI |
Institute for Future Initiatives, Professor |
2024.4.24 現在 |